Grand Bouquet Roses Pink Blush Vase Black
Each luxurious, life-like, perfumed Grand Bouquet is expertly handcrafted and set in gel, giving it the appearance of water. Thirteen exquisite roses are arranged in a sophisticated black vase, complete with the gold Cote Noire signature badge. The flowers are carefully crafted with a natural coating on each petal, giving them a true-to-life touch and appearance.
Côte Noire arrangements are true works of art, created with exceptional attention to detail and passion. Every step of the process is done by hand, from the pouring of the special gel formula to the careful cutting and arranging of each flower stem by one of our talented floral designers. Each flower is individually perfumed, meticulously inspected, and carefully hand boxed to ensure it reaches you in perfect condition.
With your Luxury Grand Bouquet, you will also receive two 10ml bottles of scented perfume, Rose Petal and Rose Oud, allowing you to refresh and enhance the fragrance as you desire.
The Grand Bouquet is beautifully presented in a round ribboned Cote Noire box, making it an ideal gift or a stunning addition to your home decor.
Included Fragrances:
- 1 x 10ml Rose Petal: A fragrance of young and fragrant rose petals warmed by the afternoon sun. Top notes of pink rose with peony and iris, finished with delicate notes of hibiscus.
- 1 x 10ml Rose Oud: A rich and fragrant scent of rose oud, softened with lingering notes of hibiscus.
Available Colours:
- Ivory White
- Pink Blush
- French Pink
- Red
- White Peach
Product Specifications:
- Size: 23cm round x 19.5 cm height
Care Instructions:
- Regularly spray the petals with water to keep them soft and lifelike.
- To clean, gently rinse the arrangement upside down under water and remove dust with your fingers. Pat dry with a towel to keep your bouquet fresh for longer.